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Colaboração: Noilson Caio Teixeira de Araújo
Data de Publicação: 15 de agosto de 2011
Este é um simples script que automatiza a instalação do Multilib Slackware para X86_64.
#!/bin/bash # Noilson Caio Teixeira de Araújo - caiogore[at]gmail[dot]com # Script de instalação do multilib no slackware 13.37.0 # # binwget=$(which wget) binlftp=$(which lftp) binawk=$(which awk) binupgradepkg=$(which upgradepkg) version=/etc/slackware-version wgetopt="-q --delete-after -T 5 -t 1" url="" # # Test access to $url # $binwget $wgetopt $url retorno="$?" if [ "$retorno" != 0 ] then echo "$url - [not found]" exit 1 fi # # test distribution # if [ -z "$version" ] then echo "No Slackware" fi # # teste slackware version # slackwareversion=$($binawk '{print $2}' "$version") if [ "$slackwareversion" != "13.37.0" ] then echo "Only for Slackware 13.37.0 version" exit 1 fi # # test ftp connection # clear $binlftp -c "open $url ; mirror 13.37" retornolftp="$?" if [ "$retornolftp" != 0 ] then echo "[ Download failed ]" exit 1 fi # # yes to unpack files # echo "install packages? (y / n)" read retornoinst if [ "$retornoinst" = "y" ] then $binupgradepkg --reinstall --install-new 13.37/*.t?z $binupgradepkg --install-new 13.37/slackware64-compat32/*-compat32/*.t?z fi
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