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Colaboração: Ricardo Iramar dos Santos
Data de Publicação: 10 de Fevereiro de 2009
é de um script em bash que automatiza o processo de atualização do Gentoo.
Se executado sem parâmetros updatoo irá atualizar sua árvore do portage com o
, checar se o sistema já esta atualizado e por pacotes "problemáticos",
criar uma lista de pacotes que precisam serem atualizados e instalá-los,
removerá os pacotes desnecessários e executará revdep-rebuild.
Sugestões, criticas, bugs ... mande para <ricardo iramar (a) gmail com>.
#!/bin/bash # # updatoo # Agent Smith (Ricardo Iramar dos Santos) # # # updatoo is a bash script that performing a simple full (silent if you # want) update in a Gentoo System. By default updatoo will synchronize # your portage tree with eix-sync, check if your system is update and for bad # packages, create a pretend list of packages, try to install all the packages # from the pretend list, clean up the system and run revdep-rebuild command. # If occur any problem updatoo will abort with code 1 so you can combine # with && or || operator. Everything is loged in /root/.updatoo/ where you # can check anytime. Please report any bug to or # # # ChangeLog # Version 0.1 (29/11/2008) # - First version. No bugs yet. # # Version 0.2 (07/12/2008) # - Gentoo look output (/etc/init.d/"). # - Some code fix. # # Version 0.3 (/02/2009) # - Code improvement. # - Changed force mode by ask mode. # - Multiple independent options. # - Error check. # - Detect masked packages. # - Prepare mode added. # # ToDo # - Parallel fetch. # ### Variables ### StrVersion="v0.3" StrHomeDir="$HOME/.updatoo" StrWorkDir="$StrHomeDir/`date +%F`" StrFuncFile="/etc/init.d/" StrSyncCmd="/usr/bin/eix-sync" StrEmergeWorld="/usr/bin/emerge --verbose --pretend --update --deep --newuse world" StrEmergeOnePkg="/usr/bin/emerge --oneshot --nodeps" StrEmergeDepClean="/usr/bin/emerge --depclean" StrEclean="/usr/bin/eclean distfiles" StrRmRfClean="rm -rf /var/tmp/portage/*" StrRevdep="/usr/bin/revdep-rebuild" ### End Variables ### ### Begin SubHelp ### SubHelp() { echo "updatoo [ options ] Options: --help (-h) Print this help. --ask (-a) Ask me to confirm each step. --sync (-s) Synchronize the portage tree with eix-sync. --prepare (-p) Don't emerge anything, only create the lists and check for bad packages. --execute (-e) Don't create the lists, only update the system using the last lists of the day. --clean (-c) Clean up the entire system. --revdep (-r) Run revdep-rebuild command after all. You can combine the options. The default operation is the same that \"updatoo -specr\"." } ### End SubHelp ### ### Begin SubAbort ### SubAbort() { eend "Aborted!" exit 1 } ### End SubAbort ### ### Begin Script ### if [ ! -f "$StrFuncFile" ] then echo "Could not found $StrFuncFile. Please emerge baselayout first." echo "Aborted!" exit 1 fi source "$StrFuncFile" if [ "$USER" != "root" ] then ewarn "You need to be root to run updatoo." SubAbort elif [ ! -f "/usr/bin/eix" ] then ewarn "Please install eix first (emerge eix)." SubAbort elif [ ! -f "/usr/bin/revdep-rebuild" ] then ewarn "Please emerge gentoolkit first (emerge gentoolkit)." SubAbort fi if [[ -z "$@" || "$@" =~ ^(-a|--ask)$ ]] then StrDefault="Y" if [[ "$@" =~ ^(-a|--ask)$ ]]; then StrAsk="Y"; fi else for StrOpt in "$@" do if [[ "$StrOpt" =~ ^-([^-].*)$ ]] then for StrOpt in `echo ${BASH_REMATCH[1]} | sed 's/\(.\)/\1 /g'` do if [ "$StrOpt" = "h" -a "$StrHelp" != "Y" -a "$StrAsk" != "Y" -a "$StrPrepare" != "Y" -a "$StrExecute" != "Y" ] then StrHelp="Y" elif [ "$StrOpt" = "a" -a "$StrAsk" != "Y" -a "$StrHelp" != "Y" ] then StrAsk="Y" elif [ "$StrOpt" = "s" -a "$StrSync" != "Y" -a "$StrHelp" != "Y" ] then StrSync="Y" elif [ "$StrOpt" = "p" -a "$StrPrepare" != "Y" -a "$StrHelp" != "Y" ] then StrPrepare="Y" elif [ "$StrOpt" = "e" -a "$StrExecute" != "Y" -a "$StrHelp" != "Y" ] then StrExecute="Y" elif [ "$StrOpt" = "c" -a "$StrClean" != "Y" -a "$StrHelp" != "Y" ] then StrClean="Y" elif [ "$StrOpt" = "r" -a "$StrRev" != "Y" -a "$StrHelp" != "Y" ] then StrRev="Y" else eerror "Invalid option!" SubHelp exit 1 fi done elif [[ "$StrOpt" =~ ^--([^-].*)$ ]] then if [ "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" = "help" -a "$StrHelp" != "Y" -a "$StrAsk" != "Y" -a "$StrPrepare" != "Y" -a "$StrExecute" != "Y" ] then StrHelp="Y" elif [ "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" = "ask" -a "$StrAsk" != "Y" -a "$StrHelp" != "Y" ] then StrAsk="Y" elif [ "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" = "sync" -a "$StrSync" != "Y" -a "$StrHelp" != "Y" ] then StrSync="Y" elif [ "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" = "prepare" -a "$StrPrepare" != "Y" -a "$StrHelp" != "Y" ] then StrPrepare="Y" elif [ "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" = "execute" -a "$StrExecute" != "Y" -a "$StrHelp" != "Y" ] then StrExecute="Y" elif [ "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" = "clean" -a "$StrClean" != "Y" -a "$StrHelp" != "Y" ] then StrClean="Y" elif [ "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" = "revdep" -a "$StrRev" != "Y" -a "$StrHelp" != "Y" ] then StrRev="Y" else eerror "Invalid option!" SubHelp exit 1 fi else eerror "Invalid option!" SubHelp exit 1 fi done fi if [ "$StrHelp" = "Y" ] then SubHelp exit 0 fi if [ ! -d "$StrHomeDir" ]; then mkdir "$StrHomeDir"; fi if [ ! -d "$StrWorkDir" ]; then mkdir "$StrWorkDir"; fi StrError="N" if [ "$StrSync" = "Y" -o "$StrDefault" = "Y" ] then StrAnswer="" if [ -e "$StrWorkDir/eix-sync.log" -a "$StrAsk" = "Y" ] then ewarn "The portage tree has already synchronized today." ewarn "Would you like to synchronize again with eix-sync? (Y/n)" read StrAnswer fi if [[ "$StrAnswer" =~ ^([yY]([eE][sS])?)?$ ]] then ebegin "Synchronizing the portage tree with eix-sync" $StrSyncCmd &> "$StrWorkDir/eix-sync.log" if [ "$?" -eq 0 ] then eend else eerror "Failed, please fix the errors describe in $StrWorkDir/eix-sync.log first and run updantoo late." SubAbort fi else ewarn "The portage tree was not synchronized." fi fi if [ "$StrPrepare" = "Y" -o "$StrDefault" = "Y" ] then StrAnswer="" if [ -e "$StrWorkDir/emerge_world.out" -a -e "$StrWorkDir/blocked.lst" -a -e "$StrWorkDir/fetched.lst" -a -e "$StrWorkDir/masked.lst" -a -e "$StrWorkDir/pretend.lst" -a "$StrAsk" = "Y" ] then ewarn "updatoo has alredy prepared today." ewarn "Would you like to prepare again? (Y/n)" read StrAnswer fi if [[ "$StrAnswer" =~ ^([yY]([eE][sS])?)?$ ]] then einfo "Preparing your system" eindent ebegin "Checking if your system is already updated" $StrEmergeWorld &> "$StrWorkDir/emerge_world.out" if [ "`tail -1 $StrWorkDir/emerge_world.out`" = "Total: 0 packages, Size of downloads: 0 kB" ] then einfo "Your system is alredy updated!" eoutdent einfo "Finished successfully!" exit 0 else ebegin "Checking for blocks packages" grep '^\[blocks' "$StrWorkDir/emerge_world.out" &> "$StrWorkDir/blocked.lst" if [ -s "$StrWorkDir/blocked.lst" ] then eerror "There are the follows blocks packages." cat "$StrWorkDir/blocked.lst" eerror "Please fix them first and run updantoo late." eoutdent SubAbort else eend fi ebegin "Checking for fetched packages" grep '^\[ebuild[^]F]*F' "$StrWorkDir/emerge_world.out" &> "$StrWorkDir/fetched.lst" if [ -s "$StrWorkDir/fetched.lst" ] then eerror "There are the follows fetch packages." cat "$StrWorkDir/fetched.lst" eerror "Please download them manually first and run updantoo late." einfo "Trying to emerge these packages in order to get the download URL." while read -r StrLine do StrPackage="`echo $StrLine | sed -e 's/^[^]]*\] //g' -e 's/ .*$//g'`" $StrEmergeOnePkg "=$StrPackage" done < "$StrWorkDir/fetched.lst" eoutdent SubAbort else eend fi ebegin "Checking for masked packages" grep '^!!! All ebuilds that could satisfy.*have been masked.' "$StrWorkDir/emerge_world.out" &> "$StrWorkDir/masked.lst" if [ -s "$StrWorkDir/masked.lst" ] then eerror "There are the follows masked packages." cat "$StrWorkDir/emerge_world.out" eerror "Please fix them first and run updantoo late." eoutdent SubAbort else eend fi ebegin "Creating pretend list" grep '^\[' "$StrWorkDir/emerge_world.out" &> "$StrWorkDir/pretend.lst" if [ ! -s "$StrWorkDir/pretend.lst" ] then eerror "Failed, please fix the errors below and run updantoo late." cat "$StrWorkDir/emerge_world.out" eoutdent SubAbort else eend fi fi eoutdent else ewarn "updatoo was not prepared." fi fi if [ "$StrExecute" = "Y" -o "$StrDefault" = "Y" ] then StrAnswer="" if [ -e "$StrWorkDir/emerged.lst" -a -e "$StrWorkDir/emerge.log" -a "$StrAsk" = "Y" ] then ewarn "updatoo has alredy executed today." ewarn "Would you like to execute again? (Y/n)" read StrAnswer fi if [[ "$StrAnswer" =~ ^([yY]([eE][sS])?)?$ ]] then rm -f "$StrWorkDir/emerged.lst" "$StrWorkDir/failed.lst" "$StrWorkDir/emerge.log" touch "$StrWorkDir/emerged.lst" "$StrWorkDir/failed.lst" "$StrWorkDir/emerge.log" NumPackages="`wc -l $StrWorkDir/pretend.lst | cut -d' ' -f1`" NumPackage="0" ebegin "Emerging $NumPackages packages from pretend list" eindent while read -r StrLine do let NumPackage++ StrPackage="`echo $StrLine | sed -e 's/^[^]]*\] //g' -e 's/ .*$//g'`" ebegin "Emerging $StrPackage ($NumPackage of $NumPackages)" $StrEmergeOnePkg "=$StrPackage" >> "$StrWorkDir/emerge.log" 2>&1 if [ "$?" -eq "0" ] then echo "$StrPackage" >> "$StrWorkDir/emerged.lst" 2>&1 eend else echo "$StrPackage" >> "$StrWorkDir/failed.lst" 2>&1 eend "Fail emerging $StrPackage!" fi done < "$StrWorkDir/pretend.lst" eoutdent if [ -s "$StrWorkDir/failed.lst" ] then StrError="Y" else einfo "All packages were emerged successfully!"; eend fi else ewarn "updatoo was not executed." fi fi if [ "$StrClean" = "Y" -o "$StrDefault" = "Y" ] then StrAnswer="" if [ -e "$StrWorkDir/cleanup.log" -a "$StrAsk" = "Y" ] then ewarn "updatoo has alredy cleaned up your system today." ewarn "Would you like to clean up again? (Y/n)" read StrAnswer fi if [[ "$StrAnswer" =~ ^([yY]([eE][sS])?)?$ ]] then ebegin "Cleaning up the system" $StrEmergeDepClean &> "$StrWorkDir/cleanup.log" && $StrEclean >> "$StrWorkDir/cleanup.log" 2>&1 && $StrRmRfClean >> "$StrWorkDir/cleanup.log" 2>&1 if [ "$?" -eq 0 ] then eend else eerror "Failed, please fix the errors describe in $StrWorkDir/cleanup.log first and run updantoo late." SubAbort fi fi fi if [ "$StrRev" = "Y" -o "$StrDefault" = "Y" ] then StrAnswer="" if [ -e "$StrWorkDir/revdep-rebuild.log" -a "$StrAsk" = "Y" ] then ewarn "updatoo has alredy run revdep-rebuild today." ewarn "Would you like to run again? (Y/n)" read StrAnswer fi if [[ "$StrAnswer" =~ ^([yY]([eE][sS])?)?$ ]] then ebegin "Running revdep-rebuild" $StrRevdep &> "$StrWorkDir/revdep-rebuild.log" if [ "$?" -eq 0 ] then eend else eerror "Failed, please fix the errors describe in $StrWorkDir/revdep-rebuild.log first and run updantoo late." SubAbort fi fi fi if [ "$StrError" = "Y" ] then eerror "Failed, some packages could not be emerged. Please fix the errors describe in $StrWorkDir/emerge.log for all packages in $StrWorkDir/failed.lst and run updantoo late." eend "Finished with errors!" exit 1 else einfo "Finished successfully!" eend exit 0 fi
Engenheiro Elétrico no papel, Analista de Segurança na carteira de trabalho e Programador/Curioso na essência. Conheceu o Linux através do Conectiva 4.2, passou por várias distribuições até conhecer a versão 8.0 do Slackware o qual adotou por muito tempo. Hoje é um Gentoo enthusiast devido sua grande gama de opções e facilidade de uso (emerge).
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