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Livro Segurança Grátis

Colaboração: Luis Gustavo Dal Porto

Data de Publicação: 05 de Fevereiro de 2001

Um livro interessante sobre os bastidores de um grupo de hackers (crackers) está disponível para download grátis em vários formatos (inclusive mp3) no endereço

Faz uma abordagem dos aspectos técnicos empregados pelo grupo de forma detalhada e esclarecedora. Uma boa diversão e forma de aprendizado.

A seguir a descrição do livro, retirada do website citado acima:

  Underground is the compelling true story of the rise of the computer
  underground and the crimes of an elite group of hackers who took on the
  forces of the establishment.
  Tracing an international ring of computer hackers which spanned three
  continents and nearly a decade of computer crime, author Suelette
  Dreyfus weaves a gripping tale against a backdrop of cutting edge
  technology. Underground uncovers the previously hidden story behind
  hackers from 8LGM, The Realm, the publishers of International Subversive
  and other linked Internet hacking groups. These elite hackers were the
  cream of the international computer underground and broke into tens of
  thousands of computers, belonging to some of the world's most prestigious
  institutions including Citibank, the Pentagon, NATO, the FT 100, NASA,
  Lockheed-Martin, Deutsche Telekom and Australian Telecom. After hacking
  the Defence Data Network's NIC, some had total control over the most
  important computers on the Internet - computers which would let them
  stop communications across the entire net. They divised methods of
  making free and untraceable telephone calls to hide their activities,
  invented worms, stalked, hacked and thumbed their noses at security
  experts such as Eugene Spafford & Cliff Stoll and reporters from the
  New York Times. They monitored the police -- while the police monitored
  them. The hackers came from all walks of life, gathering on-line in
  Germany from Australia, Europe, the UK, the US and Canada, to pursue
  their targets with an obsessive fervour.
  Irreverent, sometimes brilliant and always obsessed, many of the hackers
  found themselves addicted to their illegal behaviour.  Some fell to drug
  addiction and madness, others were convicted and jailed for their crimes. 
  Riveting as the finest detective novel and meticously researched,
  Underground follows the hackers through their crimes, their betrayals,
  the hunt, raids and investigations by the Australian Federal Police,
  the FBI, the Secret Service, the DST (French Secret Service) and Scotland
  Yard, and the resulting trials; their life on remand, on the run accross
  America, in prison, mental hospital and beyond.
  Based on more than two years of writing and research drawn from hundreds
  of exclusive interviews and telephone intercepts and over 30,000 pages
  of court documents, Underground is the first hacking book published out
  of Australia and the only one to delve into the mind and world of the
  international computer hacker. Critically aclaimed, it has been said
  that Underground is the only book to examine the computer underground
  with real depth and insight.

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