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Scilab - Aplicações Científicas para Linux

Colaboração: Fernando M. Roxo da Motta

Data de Publicação: 11 de Janeiro de 2000

Para o pessoal que precisa de uma ferramenta *do tipo* Matlab e não tenham digamos assim, suporte financeiro para bancar a compra de um, existe um pacote do INRIA ( Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique ) que cumpre com galhardia este papel. ;)) Ele tem até um suporte bastante extensivo para correr códigos para o Matlab. Acredito que valha a pena conhecer.

Integrado ao pacote vem a "toolkit" "Scicos: a dynamic systems modeler and simulator". Creio que pode ser uma ferramenta importante para simulação de sistemas.

Além dos códigos fontes estão disponíveis binários para :

  scilab-2.5-0.i386.rpm                 RPM for the Linux libc6 elf format
  scilab-2.5-bin-Linux-i686.tar.gz      non RPM for the Linux libc6 elf format
  scilab-2.5-bin-alpha-OSF1-V4.0.tar.gz version for Dec Alpha V4.0
  scilab-2.5-bin-HP-UX-B.10.20.tar.gz   binary version for HP9000
  scilab-2.5-bin-Linux-ppc.tar.gz       binary version for Linux PPC
  scilab-2.5-bin-solaris-5.6.tar.gz     binary version for SUNSOLARIS
  scilab-2.5-windows.exe                binary version for Windows 9X/NT

Segue adiante o anúncio da liberação de uma nova versão do pacote.

  Linux-Announce Digest #682, Volume #3            Tue, 21 Dec 99 18:13:04 EST
          Scilab Group proudly announces the release of Scilab-2.5
  What is Scilab?
          Scilab is a scientific software environment for numerical 
  computations. It resembles Matlab/Simulink and MatrixX/SystemBuild
  of products. Scilab is developed at INRIA and is available via anonymous 
  ftp in source and binary formats:
            in directory    INRIA/Scilab
  What is new?
  Global variables have been introduced
  Integer data types have been added.
  New graphic mode has been added to allow scrollbar handling (panner
  for X Window and scrollbars for Windows). 
  GIF export format is now available for Scilab graphic windows.
  Keyboard events and window closing within graphical windows can now be
  Scicos graphical user interface has been made more intuitive and
  keyboard shortcuts have been added.
  Scilab Binary files created by "save" are now system-independent so
  they can be exchanged. In particular (compiled macros) *.bin files and
  *.cos (scicos diagrams) can be exchanged.
  It is now possible to dynamically link C++ procedures with Scilab.
  A new data type "mlist" has been added.
  A new function "genlib" allows users to compile the .sci files in a
  given directory, generate associated library and load it. This
  function is particularly useful under windows if VC++ is not
  C formatted input output functions (printf, scanf, ..) have been
  interfaced to scilab.
  Other improvements
  - -------------------
  Efficiency has been improved using reference argument passing when
  possible instead of value passing.
  Hypermatrix opreations have been accelerated.
  On X Window systems 3D Athena Widgets are used when available instead of
  standard  Athena Widgets for a better look.
  The "Matlab 4" to Scilab translator has been completed and considerably
                  What do we expect from Scilab users
  Contributions! Here are a few possibilities.
  Now that the integer data types are made available in Scilab:
          an image processing toolbox. 
  Read, write and processing of sound signals.
  A statistical toolbox.
  An identification toolbox.
  A signal processing toolbox for Scicos.
  Scientific course notes using Scilab (in all languages); note that if 
  you write a book in which you propose Scilab examples and exercises, 
  you can distribute Scilab on CD with the book.
  GUI interface based on the tcl/tk interface.
          A good place to discuss such projects is the scilab newsgroup.
                     Scilab: is it really free?
  Yes it is. Scilab is not distributed under GPL or other standard
  free software copyrights (because of historical reasons), but Scilab is 
  an Open Source Software and is free for academic and industrial use,
  without any restrictions. There are of course the usual restrictions 
  concerning its redistribution; the only specific requirement is that we 
  ask Scilab users to send us a notice (email is enough). For more details 
  see or Notice.tex in the Scilab package.
  Answers to two frequently asked questions:
          Yes, Scilab can be included a commercial package (provided
  proper copyright notice is included).
          Yes, Scilab can be placed on commercial CD's (such as various
  Linux distributions).
  Merry Christmas and happy Scilabing

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