De acordo com as Leis 12.965/2014 e 13.709/2018, que regulam o uso da Internet e o tratamento de dados pessoais no Brasil, ao me inscrever na newsletter do portal DICAS-L, autorizo o envio de notificações por e-mail ou outros meios e declaro estar ciente e concordar com seus Termos de Uso e Política de Privacidade.


Colaboração: Rubens Queiroz de Almeida

Data de Publicação: 11 de Novembro de 1998

Em uma mensagem já veiculada nesta lista, eu expliquei o processo de automação de envio de mensagens e manutenção do Web site (

Naquela época, eu não fazia ainda a conversão automática das URLs para torná-las em referências reais. Eu apenas escrevia a URL, mas a página HTML correspondente não permitia que se clicasse sobre ela para se dirigir ao site mencionado.

Para resolver este problema, eu passei a utilizar uma versão modificada do perl script asc2html, incluso nesta mensagem. Eu removi algumas coisas e criei um outro perlscript, chamado por mim urlconverter, também incluído nesta mensagem.

Desta forma, quem visita o site pode ver que as páginas Web da lista Dicas-L estão mais amigáveis :-)

A seguir, os scripts:

  #! /usr/bin/perl
  # pre		--- produced pre-formatted HTML text
  # Author: Oscar Nierstrasz (June 25, 1993)
  # 4.8.93 -- incorporated url'href.
  foreach $file (@ARGV) {
  	print "<TITLE>Asci file: $file</TITLE>\n<PRE>\n";
  	while(<>) {
  	print "</PRE>\n";
  # Try to recognize URLs and ftp file indentifiers and convert them into HREFs:
  # This routine is evolving.  The patterns are not perfect.
  # This is really a parsing problem, and not a job for perl ...
  # It is also generally impossible to distinguish ftp site names
  # from newsgroup names if the ":<directory>" is missing.
  # An arbitrary file name ("") can also be confused.
  sub url'href {
  	# study; # doesn't speed things up ...
  	# to avoid special cases for beginning & end of line
  	s|^|>>>|; s|$|<<<|;
  	# URLS:
  	s|(news:[\w.]+)|<A HREF="$&">$&</A>|g;
  	s|(http:[\w/.:+\-]+)|<A HREF="$&">$&</A>|g;
  	s|(file:[\w/.:+\-]+)|<A HREF="$&">$&</A>|g;
  	s|(ftp:[\w/.:+\-]+)|<A HREF="$&">$&</A>|g;
  	s|(wais:[\w/.:+\-]+)|<A HREF="$&">$&</A>|g;
  	s|(gopher:[\w/.:+\-]+)|<A HREF="$&">$&</A>|g;
  	s|(telnet:[\w/.:+\-]+)|<A HREF="$&">$&</A>|g;
  	# s|(\w+://[\w/.:+\-]+)|<A HREF="$&">$&</A>|g;
  	# catch some newsgroups to avoid confusion with sites:
  	s|([^\w\-/.:@>])(alt\.[\w.+\-]+[\w+\-]+)|$1<A HREF="news:$2">$2</A>|g;
  	s|([^\w\-/.:@>])(bionet\.[\w.+\-]+[\w+\-]+)|$1<A HREF="news:$2">$2</A>|g;
  	s|([^\w\-/.:@>])(bit\.[\w.+\-]+[\w+\-]+)|$1<A HREF="news:$2">$2</A>|g;
  	s|([^\w\-/.:@>])(comp\.[\w.+\-]+[\w+\-]+)|$1<A HREF="news:$2">$2</A>|g;
  	s|([^\w\-/.:@>])(gnu\.[\w.+\-]+[\w+\-]+)|$1<A HREF="news:$2">$2</A>|g;
  	s|([^\w\-/.:@>])(misc\.[\w.+\-]+[\w+\-]+)|$1<A HREF="news:$2">$2</A>|g;
  	s|([^\w\-/.:@>])(news\.[\w.+\-]+[\w+\-]+)|$1<A HREF="news:$2">$2</A>|g;
  	s|([^\w\-/.:@>])(rec\.[\w.+\-]+[\w+\-]+)|$1<A HREF="news:$2">$2</A>|g;
  	# FTP locations (with directory):
  	s|(anonymous@)([a-zA-Z][\w.+\-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}):(\s*)([\w+\-/.]+)|$1<A HREF="file://$2/$4">$2:$4</A>$3|g;
  	s|(ftp@)([a-zA-Z][\w.+\-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}):(\s*)([\w+\-/.]+)|$1<A HREF="file://$2/$4">$2:$4</A>$3|g;
  	s|([^\w\-/.:@>])([a-zA-Z][\w.+\-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}):(\s*)([\w+\-/.]+)|$1<A HREF="file://$2/$4">$2:$4</A>$3|g;
  	# NB: don't confuse an http server with a port number for
  	# an FTP location!
  	# internet number version:
  	s|([^\w\-/.:@])(\d{2,}\.\d{2,}\.\d+\.\d+):([\w+\-/.]+)|$1<A HREF="file://$2/$3">$2:$3</A>|g;
  	# just the site name (assume two dots):
  	s|([^\w\-/.:@>])([a-zA-Z][\w+\-]+\.[\w.+\-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,})([^\w\-/.:!])|$1<A HREF="file://$2">$2</A>$3|g;
  	# NB: can be confused with newsgroup names!
  	# <site>.com has only one dot:
  	s|([^\w\-/.:@>])([a-zA-Z][\w.+\-]+\.com)([^\w\-/.:])|$1<A HREF="file://$2">$2</A>$3|g;
  	# just internet numbers:
  	s|([^\w\-/.:@])(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)([^\w\-/.:])|$1<A HREF="file://$2">$2</A>$3|g;
  	# unfortunately inet numbers can easily be confused with
  	# european telephone numbers ...
  	s|^>>>||; s|<<<$||;
  #! /usr/bin/perl
  # pre		--- produced pre-formatted HTML text
  # Author: Oscar Nierstrasz (June 25, 1993)
  # 4.8.93 -- incorporated url'href.
  foreach $file (@ARGV) {
  	while(<>) {
  # Try to recognize URLs and ftp file indentifiers and convert them into HREFs:
  # This routine is evolving.  The patterns are not perfect.
  # This is really a parsing problem, and not a job for perl ...
  # It is also generally impossible to distinguish ftp site names
  # from newsgroup names if the ":<directory>" is missing.
  # An arbitrary file name ("") can also be confused.
  sub url'href {
  	# study; # doesn't speed things up ...
  	# to avoid special cases for beginning & end of line
  	s|^|>>>|; s|$|<<<|;
  	# URLS:
  	s|(news:[\w.]+)|<A HREF="$&">$&</A>|g;
  	s|(http:[\w/.:+\-]+)|<A HREF="$&">$&</A>|g;
  	s|(file:[\w/.:+\-]+)|<A HREF="$&">$&</A>|g;
  	s|(ftp:[\w/.:+\-]+)|<A HREF="$&">$&</A>|g;
  	s|(wais:[\w/.:+\-]+)|<A HREF="$&">$&</A>|g;
  	s|(gopher:[\w/.:+\-]+)|<A HREF="$&">$&</A>|g;
  	s|(telnet:[\w/.:+\-]+)|<A HREF="$&">$&</A>|g;
  	# s|(\w+://[\w/.:+\-]+)|<A HREF="$&">$&</A>|g;
  	# catch some newsgroups to avoid confusion with sites:
  	s|([^\w\-/.:@>])(alt\.[\w.+\-]+[\w+\-]+)|$1<A HREF="news:$2">$2</A>|g;
  	s|([^\w\-/.:@>])(bionet\.[\w.+\-]+[\w+\-]+)|$1<A HREF="news:$2">$2</A>|g;
  	s|([^\w\-/.:@>])(bit\.[\w.+\-]+[\w+\-]+)|$1<A HREF="news:$2">$2</A>|g;
  	s|([^\w\-/.:@>])(comp\.[\w.+\-]+[\w+\-]+)|$1<A HREF="news:$2">$2</A>|g;
  	s|([^\w\-/.:@>])(gnu\.[\w.+\-]+[\w+\-]+)|$1<A HREF="news:$2">$2</A>|g;
  	s|([^\w\-/.:@>])(misc\.[\w.+\-]+[\w+\-]+)|$1<A HREF="news:$2">$2</A>|g;
  	s|([^\w\-/.:@>])(news\.[\w.+\-]+[\w+\-]+)|$1<A HREF="news:$2">$2</A>|g;
  	s|([^\w\-/.:@>])(rec\.[\w.+\-]+[\w+\-]+)|$1<A HREF="news:$2">$2</A>|g;
  	# FTP locations (with directory):
  	s|(anonymous@)([a-zA-Z][\w.+\-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}):(\s*)([\w+\-/.]+)|$1<A HREF="file://$2/$4">$2:$4</A>$3|g;
  	s|(ftp@)([a-zA-Z][\w.+\-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}):(\s*)([\w+\-/.]+)|$1<A HREF="file://$2/$4">$2:$4</A>$3|g;
  	s|([^\w\-/.:@>])([a-zA-Z][\w.+\-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}):(\s*)([\w+\-/.]+)|$1<A HREF="file://$2/$4">$2:$4</A>$3|g;
  	# NB: don't confuse an http server with a port number for
  	# an FTP location!
  	# internet number version:
  	s|([^\w\-/.:@])(\d{2,}\.\d{2,}\.\d+\.\d+):([\w+\-/.]+)|$1<A HREF="file://$2/$3">$2:$3</A>|g;
  	# just the site name (assume two dots):
  	s|([^\w\-/.:@>])([a-zA-Z][\w+\-]+\.[\w.+\-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,})([^\w\-/.:!])|$1<A HREF="file://$2">$2</A>$3|g;
  	# NB: can be confused with newsgroup names!
  	# <site>.com has only one dot:
  	s|([^\w\-/.:@>])([a-zA-Z][\w.+\-]+\.com)([^\w\-/.:])|$1<A HREF="file://$2">$2</A>$3|g;
  	# just internet numbers:
  	s|([^\w\-/.:@])(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)([^\w\-/.:])|$1<A HREF="file://$2">$2</A>$3|g;
  	# unfortunately inet numbers can easily be confused with
  	# european telephone numbers ...
  	s|^>>>||; s|<<<$||;

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