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(AIX) O comando leave

Colaboração: Rubens Queiroz de Almeida

Data de Publicação: 16 de Junho de 1997

Esta é para quem é viciado em trabalhar. O AIX tem o comando leave, que manda você embora em determinado horário. Ele espera uma determinada hora, determinada por você e então começa a lembrá-lo que está na hora de ir embora. Se você não for embora no horário ele começa a te dizer que você vai chegar atrasado. Lembretes começam a ser emitidos 5 minutos antes do horário definido e de minuto a minuto a partir daí. Se você não se deslogar no horário combinado, as mensagens continuam a ser enviadas a cada minuto. Por exemplo:

  queiroz@netway:[/usr/bin]leave +1
  The alarm is set for Thu Jun 12 15:41:17 1997.
  queiroz@netway:[/usr/bin]It is time to leave!
  You are going to be late!
  You are going to be late!

Isto não é gozação, o comando existe mesmo :-)

Dica Humorística :-)


The darkness cleared as we got out of the tunnel and it occurred to me that I couldn't be all that injured. Then again, maybe I was. Someone was going to p..

I died.

Of course, a true BOFH considers this not really as dying, but more of going home for the holidays.

Five seconds later, I'm getting the upside of 15Kv across the nipples. (These ambulance guys sure know how to party).


Three weeks later I'm back on my backside and feeling rested at relaxed behind the console again. The rest has done me good, I feel *great!*. I catch up on everyone's email then let the students know I'm back by performing an impromptu preventative maintenance in the middle of lab time by kicking the restart switch (They love it really)

I flip today's excuse card, "GLOBAL WARMING" YES YES YES! What a welcome home!

It's the end of the month so all those automatic email reminder programs will be sending messages all over the place. I set the system clock back 7 days to buy some peace and quiet and swap the printer ribbon for the three year old one with holes in it.

I sort through my snail mail and crack open the BOFH Monthly Newsletter, "kill -9" and check out the articles therein. There's a nice peice of making OS2 slow, boring and painful, but it looks exactly like the OS2 installation instructions to me... Ah, who knows. I head straight to the BOFH Wizard section to see if any of my articles were published. All of them!!! Even the one about the c compiler that randomly removes one line from the source code it's compiling!

The phone rings.

"The Screen on my PC is blank!!!"

"It's the power cord" I say

"No, I checked that. When I switch it on, it does nothing!"

"It's the power cord" I say

"No, I checked and it's all plugged in properly. There's no lights on the keyboard or anything"

"It's the power cord" I say

"Oh. I just noticed, the cord's not plugged in properly!"

"The power cord?" I ask

"Yes... Woopsy"

"No worries at all" I say "Is it all working well now?"

"Yes, I think so. I'm sorry, you WERE right all along"

"Yes, we're getting a lot of this, it's due to the current Global Warming problem. It causes random thermal expansion and contraction resulting in temperature induced movement of friction based holding mechanisms.."

I listen carefully. Nothing. In other words, clunk!<

I hang up as the receiver hits the floor. Disk space is too good for them.

<spt (a) waikato ac nz> (Simon Travaglia)

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